I interrupt your regular book blog programming...okay maybe not so regular...to give you this list of excuses why I haven't posted in forever. I precit this list by promising I will do better. In both reading and posting. Less work, more reading. :)
1. Thanksgiving, sister visits, Christmas, trips to Oklahoma, promotion at work, a lot more work, then a lot, a lot more work, dancing at my new d
ance fitness class instead of reading (not a bad thing!), etc. = I got busy.
2. I got lazy.
3. For some reason, while wondering around a used bookstore in downtown Birmingham, I found a copy of, and thought it would be a good idea to read, an old copy of "Gone With the Wind."

This is one of my all time favorite movies! I thought now that I'm a Southerner and I all, I really should read the book. The only problem is the book moves as slow as molasses. That with the fact I already know what's going to happen (besides the fact that Scarlet now has a baby with Charles - that was definitely not in the movie)... this book has turned into a sort of reading road block. I can't get through it and I can't move past it because then I feel bad about not finishing it before moving on. But that ends today. I will move past "Gone With The Wind" because frankly, I need a new and exciting book.
So there you have it...why I haven't been posting. Somewhere between these excuses I have managed to read a few books though. Stay tuned for a few new reviews including several books I forgot about the moment I finished them and one book that truly was very good.
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